Evolve Recovery Center Fairfax will be open for services in 2024.
Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Fairfax

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Lorazepam (Ativan) Rehab Near Washington, D.C.

Do you feel cut off from the world, battling to defeat an Ativan dependency? Help is ready today. Evolve's Ativan rehab near Washington, D.C. will lead you toward lasting recovery with specialized substance use support in a supportive, structured environment. We understand how this destructive substance can infiltrate every aspect of your life, and we're available to help you get control of it.

How Do You Know If You Require Lorazepam Rehab Near Washington, D.C.?

Lorazepam, often recognized by the brand name Ativan, may be beneficial in alleviating anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. Sadly, like other benzodiazepines, it's also highly addictive as a result of the calming, blissful effects it generates. Navigating through the detox process is your initial step, but your journey doesn’t stop there. Inpatient rehabilitation will help you avoid relapses while providing the tools needed to advance toward a healthier life.

Our lorazepam rehab in Washington, D.C. will help those who:

  • Require help in identifying and prevailing over triggers of Ativan use
  • Continue to have the desire to use
  • Battle lingering withdrawal symptoms like irritability, confusion, and difficulty concentrating
  • Have substandard mental health that triggers Ativan use
  • Fail to meet work and family responsibilities

If you have an addiction to Ativan, it's important to get clinical assistance. Evolve Recovery Center Fairfax will tailor a care plan especially for you. If you need to detox first, we'll arrange a pleasant, residential detox near Washington, D.C..

What Should You Do To Get Ready For Ativan Rehab Near Washington, D.C.?

Habit-forming behaviors are typically more difficult to identify in commonly used anxiety prescriptions like Ativan. You may think they're harmless since the substances were prescribed by your doctor. However, if you are taking Ativan in excess of the recommended dosages, or for recreational use, then you need to look at the probability of a substance use disorder. After doing this, you are able to commence your journey to a sober life with detoxification and residential rehab. But prior to arriving at Evolve's Ativan rehab near Washington, D.C., you ought to take care of the following:

  1. Arrange for childcare and look into time off work. Our team is well-trained in helping individuals establish leave and will work with your employer.
  2. Anticipate at least a 10-day stay and pack properly. Bring casual clothes and shoes, personal care products, and extra cash for the vending machines. Neglect to bring a necessity like a comb or toothbrush? We have you covered.
  3. Plan transportation. Make preparations for getting here securely or just let us know if you would like a ride. We're happy to assist any time of day.

Don't forget to check out our admissions information, as understanding what to expect will facilitate the intake process.

What Is The Time Frame For Lorazepam Rehab?

Your situation is unique. Evolve knows this and customizes our lorazepam rehab in Washington, D.C. to accommodate your distinct requirements. You can anticipate being here no less than two weeks even though programs up to two or three months are possible. Our experienced clinicians will advise a treatment duration after completing your opening evaluation. 

There are a range of considerations that will often affect the length of your treatment plan, including:

  • The frequency, quantity, and duration of your Ativan use
  • How responsive you are to therapy
  • Your physical condition
  • Presence of co-occurring disorders
  • Another substance use disorder or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

What To Expect From Ativan Rehab in Washington, D.C.

You will placed into a secure, inviting facility where you can focus on getting support from skilled medical professionals. We employ evidence-based therapies and help you cultivate coping skills to navigate external influences that served as triggers for substance use. You'll get a more thorough understanding of the reasons behind your substance use disorder and benefit from:

  • Group counseling
  • Peer support services
  • Aftercare planning
  • Individual counseling
  • Family therapy 

Our Ativan rehab near Washington, D.C. realizes that nurturing your physical and mental health is vital to your success. In order to accomplish this, we provide access to:

  • Specialized medical assistance
  • Cozy bedrooms and community lounges
  • A fitness center
  • Recreational activities
  • Three nutritious meals a day
  • Around-the-clock access to beverages and snacks

How We Ensure Your Safety Over The Course Of Ativan Rehab Near Washington, D.C. 

Following the days of abstinence in detox, you are particularly vulnerable to relapse. Taking that into consideration, ensuring your safety is a top priority for Evolve Recovery Center Fairfax. We'll help you steer clear of relapsing and keep you moving forward with the following:

  • Secure, controlled setting away from external influences
  • Personalized care plans to accommodate your unique situation
  • Skilled medical staff
  • 24-hour support
  • Teaching of coping strategies to overcome triggers of your Ativan use
  • Unwavering patient privacy rules to keep your treatment information and personal details confidential

Get Help For Ativan Addiction Today

Let Evolve Recovery Center Fairfax lead you to a new way of living unhindered by Ativan. Our caring team is available to help you. Call 571-556-7609 or complete our form to get help today. We respond at all moments, every day of the year. Even before our Fairfax doors open in 2024 we are dedicated to providing the care and support you need during your recovery journey. If you are in need of immediate assistance we can recommend a local facility or put you on the waiting list for our Fairfax rehab for when it opens in 2024